Frequently Asked Question

  1. What is a professional Coach?

    • Coaching is a highly tuned and powerful process of communication and problem solving. The relationship between you and your coach is Co-Creative and focused entirely on your interests, challenges, and goals.  Coaching involves supporting you in discovering and creating what you most want in your lives. The coaching process actually calls forth the best in both the coach and you. From this place, the coach elicits information from the deepest part of you that hadn't previously been accessible.

  2. Will Coaching work for me?

    • There are very strong statistics regarding Coaching.  According to the ICF, using a coach will gain a greater level of self awareness, improved goal settings skills, increase in life balance, increase in self discovery and an increase in your quality of life.

  3. How long should you work with a life coach?

    • Honestly, that depends on you and your needs.  Many coaches will ask you perform a 3-month session.  I do not ask for 3-months.  If there are a lot of goals you would like to accomplish, there will be more time needed than someone who has one thing to work on.  You are the deciding factor.  It is rare that an issue can be resolved in one visit.

  4. Is our session confidential?

    • Absolutely,  I have spend 12 years in the healthcare industry.  Many of those years were spend personally managing and supporting patient privacy and security.  All conversations are absolutely confidential and will not be discussed with anyone without your request or approval.

  5. Coaching vs Therapy

    • Therapists work with clients that need or want professional help to work towards healing, recovery, and issue resolutions.Coaches work with clients who want a detached partner to help them enhance their lives through action.  

    • Therapists are experts in medical and behavioral sciences trained to treat diagnosable conditions.  Coaches use questions and reflection to highlight their client’s strengths and areas in need of development and then help the client uncover their own wisdom and solutions.

    • Therapists are required to keep their personal feelings & thoughts removed.  Coaches use personal disclosure as a tool to catalyze and challenge their clients. 

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