15 Goal Setting Questions to make 2018 your best year!

For some people, setting goals can be very challenging.  We do know that those who set goals and write them down are far more likely to achevei them.  If you are struggling to set goals, check out these 15 Goal-Setting Questions that will help you create your best year ever.

**Set aside 30 minutes, settle in somewhere snug and warm with your favorite beverage and relax.

Answer the questions below - and then all you need to do is take action!

First, REFLECT and Take Your Learnings Forwards:

  1. What worked WELL for you last year?
    - What do you WANT to keep doing, or do more of, next year?
    - So, what WILL you keep doing, or do more of, next year?
  2. What did NOT work for you last year?
    - What do you WANT to change next year?
    - If you could change just ONE thing, what would it be?
  3. What do you need to "Just let go!" of?
  4. Where do you just need to stop procrastinating and "Just do it!"?

Then, LOOK AHEAD and UNDERSTAND What You Truly Want & Why:

  1. What do you YEARN for? What, more than anything, do you want this year?
  2. What goals would really put a SMILE on your face? What would need to happen by the end of the year to leave you FEELING MAGNIFICENT about yourself?
  3. If you were to write a list of 10 GOALS and aims for 2018, what would they be? 
    - WHY do you want these Goals? What do they GIVE you?
    - How will your life be different once you've achieved these goals?
    - How will you FEEL when you've completed these goals?
  4. If you did nothing else, what THREE things would make 2018 a SUCCESS for you?
    (This last question identifies your Top 3 Goals to focus on)


  1. What could get in the way? If you were going to sabotage yourself, HOW would you do it?
  2. What THREE things are you doing regularly that don’t serve or support you and your goals?
  3. What ONE habit could you introduce that would make a huge improvement in your life?
  4. How can you bring more FUN and PLAY into your life this year?
    (When we have fun and feel playful, everything feels - and is - easier, we're happier too. TIP: Think not only about things you can do, but also who you can hang out with.)

Finally, WRAPPING it up:

  1. What is your THEME for 2018? _____________________
  2. Who will you have to BECOME to have all that you want?
  3. What is the DIFFERENCE that will MAKE the DIFFERENCE to your success?

Hopefully you found the 15 questions above valuable, especially if you are struggling to set your sails toward a particular direction this year. 

As always, I am here to help.  Feel free to set up a free 90 minute consultation full of value here or if you enjoy working on your own, pick up my book, The High Performance Mindset, an Amazon best seller here!